Hello everyone, as my regulars know, I have been otherwise occupied with the realities of photographing the wedding of a lovely couple ….
I am merely a very enthusiastic amateur who is never without a camera of sorts & I am always capturing life through a lens of sorts.
I admit to being flattered at being asked to photograph the wedding, fully recognising the responsibility so I was very relieved when my 'a wondering star' daughter offered to join me as 'two cameras'. She has attended far more weddings than I every will so her experience & talent were invaluable, as is her engaging personality.
I had done the preparatory visit so I knew the venue & church set up & the challenges we faced.
I admit that my photography style leans heavily towards photo journalism - capturing moments as they happen. I am a fan of Joe Buissink's style as he captures moments without being formal, also Jolyon Melville who is a friend of a friend & a Birmingham photographer steve gerrard who has a lovely style.
The morning dawned bright & beautiful for us: perfect wedding weather for a stunning couple. Their make up transformations were in full swing when we arrived ....
We started with the lovely gowns, shoes & flowers
We then moved onto the church & before meeting up with the groom & his entourage at the church. The lads obliged by doing some fun shots for us then it was full on in to the day with the arrival of the bride & her gorgeous girls.
We respected the Priests request of not moving around too much or being intrusive so that the spiritual aspect / solemnity was maintained in the church while still capturing the moments from the side lines.
Then the day gained momentum of its own as we moved through the day doing some formal photos at the church with the groups before they walked down the hill to the venue with the Ludlow Castle as a backdrop.
Capturing all the grandchildren with their grandmother - one of those photos that really only gets done at weddings when all are gathered
4 generations of ladies which is the stuff memories are made of
We hoped we had captured the day & its many stages ….
The speeches were challenging from a photographers viewpoint as there was not a clear view at all with the tables set in front but we worked with what we had to capture very heartfelt speeches from the Bride's father & the Groom before their lovely children delivered a speech too.

We managed to capture some more photos outside as 'magic hour' set in with its soft light which is so lovely.
All in all, a beautiful, relaxed day with a fabulous couple & some really good friends. Me on the left with my good friend Liane who did all the wedding make-up
I absolutely love these natural photos of the children just 'being in the moment' ...
and of the Bride's brother enjoying the speeches unaware that I was doing a photo - photo journalism at its best!
It was a relief that all out photography planning went according to plan - no camera malfunctions or problems.
We used: Canon 1D with EF50mm f/1.2l lens / EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS lens
Canon 5D mk11 with EF 24-105mm f/4l lens
Canon 40D backup with EF135mm f/2l prime lens
Canon speedlite 580EX11 flash
I hope you have enjoyed the photos with me ….
Have a fab weekend & thanks for stopping by,
Dee ~♥~