She took special beading classes for some years & her work is so intricate & beautiful. It really is something that is special to follow complicated patterns with tiny beads. Many of the items take 20-50 00 tiny beads in specific colours & she works away with a magnifying lamp & glass.
Over the years I have been gifted some really special items & over tea this week, she popped a tiny box in my hand & in it is this most exquisite little book that is smaller than a standard match stick.
It is the 12 days of Christmas - a miniature that is perfect. The little printable book comes with the beading pattern. You can (with glasses) read the pages & marvel at the detail.
The book has a little gold clasp & tiny gold beads. "I pushed the boat out & ordered gold clasps" she confided.
I feel so thankful to receive the gift of her time & her considerable skill. It is something I will treasure for ever.
I lit the Advent candles that are still burning down & arranged my beaded ones together, giving up a thank you for friends who make you feel special & whose friendship I value highly.
I can do many things but do not have a particularly special talent like this & pattern reading has never been my strong point. However, the gift of time is very special & I feel abundantly blessed by her immense kindness.
I hope you have friends that embrace you with their love & thoughtfulness too,
Dee 🎁🧵🪡🙏
And an update - the other little beaded books that Di gifted but I didn’t want to share before Christmas. Are these not adorable?
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