Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Making some fabric baskets

 I had a lovely sewing day with a friend in South Shropshire last week & we made a sewing basket & some other bits. It is inspirational to bounce ideas off other creative people, especially as she is commercially minded.

 How lovely is my gifted pocket mirror? 

I helped by passing the scissors .. 

I love my fabric basket we made together. It has been some months since I did fabric basket & this refreshed my technique which was helpful. 

I decided that I wanted to make another one while it is fresh in my mind. I looked through my fabric stash & found some pieces of this blue Frieda fabric so I decided to do what I did with the red Frieda fabric previously. I joined the blue fabric in to a strip, adding in some matching plain blue fabric to make up the shape for use. 

I decided to make this one more rectangular with something in mind. It was lined, turned through & pressed. Since this is entirely for my own use, I did a decorative machine stitch around the top where it will be turned over. 

These two fabric bowls are going next to my sewing machines - one for the orts (all the snipped threads from hand & machine sewing) and the larger one for all the snipped fabric bits which will keep the sewing table neater. Orts

A great sewing project using up bits of fabric from my stash for much needed items. 

Is there anything on your sewing table? Tell all & thank you for stopping by, it is always appreciated, 

Dee 📍🪡🧵

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♥ Hi - thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoy your visit♥.