Somehow, it seems strange to be thinking of the 40 days of Lent to Easter while we have snow on the ground.
While quickly browsing for inspiration, I came across these in the fabulous Marie Claire book, the Seasonal Kitchen.
We favour cinnamon sugar on ours as it harks back to the traditional way of eating them in South Africa, but I am definitely inclined towards some blueberry ones - the small ones oozing with ripe blueberries.
This is our pancakes tonight - with cinnamon sugar, blackberries, strawberries & ice-cream ♥

Do you give up something for Lent? What is it & how hard is it to give up?
Last year I gave up chocolate for Lent & I actually kept it up which was really hard.
Thanks for popping by, hope your pancakes were fabulous too ♥
Happy flipping & thanks for stopping by,
Dee ~♥~
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