I reasoned that seen as bulbs are cheap to buy in flower, it is not worth shooing off squirrels ....
However, this week while I popped into a local garden centre, I saw all their bulbs were now half price because it is so late in the season & so I decided to get a few late ones to pot up.
Potting up bulbs is one of those relaxing activities - a challenge to see if they will respond & it satisfies the gardener in me to see them thrive ...

Luckily there was just enough potting soil left in the bag.
I know the bulbs will be indoors so I potted them up in containers that were in a box for the charity shop as they are so seldom used - perfect!
The paperwhites & grape hyacinths together
My dear sister-in-law Ms M bought this delightful vintage container while on a visit some years back & it is always potted up with daffodils so that is what I did again. Don't you just love the pot?
My terracotta trays with last years crocuses & grape hyacinths that will be moved to the front porch have been moved from their place behind the herb planters to under the bench & covered with horticultural fleece for protection. Hopefully they will be as lovely as always.
My new bulbs are now on a shelf in the garage, out of the elements & away from the squirrels. I look forward to their colour ...
Do you plant up for Winter? What favourites will you plant or buy?
Thanks for stopping by, always appreciated
Dee ~♥~
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