Thursday 26 September 2024

#9 Circular Stitching - Seasonal Secrets

Month 9  of the 12 month circular stitch project & this one has been challenging, only because I had a lot of other projects on the go & didn't spend as much time on this one. 

The previous 8 challenges & links are in last months project if you want to pop over  & look ... 

The leaf shape with suggested shibori technique looked interesting but it is not one I have tried before & I think I will still have a go at it.  

Some on the group had tried leaf impressions by hammering the leaf on to the square for it to leave an imprint but I did not find this too successful, some leaves are probably better at leaving an imprint than others I think. It might be something I investigate. Has anyone got any suggestions for this? My garden is still very much in the pink / green / purple colour range & so I decided to stay within this palette of colours. 

Again, it is all on a 6x6 inch square with a 4 inch circle in the middle to keep all of the pages uniform for the final assembly in December. 

My imprints did not work but hammering some fuschia flowers from our bush gave a blotchy outline. However, the garden is blotchy & messy at this transitional stage so perhaps I will leave those imprints? 

I decided to felt a leaf shape with leaves from our garden as inspiration. I have not felted in a few weeks & it was interesting to get to a shape that I was happy with. The yellow / cream / red markings are not as clear as I would have liked but it worked in the end. 

I then jabbed it on to the background fabric because linen is a good background for felting. 

An interesting challenge that I should have taken more time over but I can overthink challenges so sometimes it is important to just work the project until you get a result that you can live with. What do you think? 

Again it was finished off like the others with a row of machine stitching on 3 sides, the stiffening piece added in before the last side was machined. The edges were then blanket stitched using the same large roll of thread to give uniformity to all the pieces at the end. 

I will still machine embroider the project name for the back (my choice) when I have a few to do as that is easier for me. 

It has been interesting once again & I’m pleased to be done within the month.  I know we do not always keep up with the projects we sign up to so this is a good discipline for me to complete each in the time allotted so they do not bunch up & overwhelm. 

Thank you for stopping by, your visits are always appreciated. 

Dee ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ“๐Ÿชก๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿก

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