Christmas came & went & somehow it did not feel right without a dusting of snow. The forecasters have finally got it right and after an arctic blast this week, we have had some snow in the Shire.
I love the quietness it brings; everything is just cushioned in a layer of softness that brings a stillness to life, so quiet that everything is just slower & more relaxed.
The sound was broken up last night by a driver in a sports car who couldn't get up the road & within minutes neighbours had stopped & 'Dave' (I know his name as sound carries so well ... ) was being urged to drop back two feet then try again as 3 guys put their backs into getting him moving again. Everyone just seems more open, friendly & helpful - a real sense of community comes back for a while & it feels good.
Daughter & I were disappointed by foggy skies but we took the cameras out around our local streets. We went for a walk down to The Flash, our local pond, and took some photos, chatted to some random walkers & then got home to shovel our drive before it compacted or iced.
Hope your Sunday is warm & cosy & that your are enjoying the snow too ....
Dee ♥
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