Saturday 25 May 2024

Re-reading some books ....

The lighter nights are fabulous with longer evenings & warmer weather after a really grey winter. While tidying my books, I came across this stash again. I love to read & have been re-reading some of the books of the author Khaled Hosseini that I first read more than 15 years ago. 

The Kite Runner is often quoted - it is such a deep & beautiful book. 

And that's the thing about people who mean what they say. They think everyone else does too. 

There is only one sin, and that is theft... When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. 

For you, a thousand times over 

But better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie

Words were secret doorways & I held all the keys 

I am now reading And the Mountains echoed for the first time - sometimes it is enlightening to read a clutch of books from the same author at the same time, because the words just flow as they paint pictures in your mind - that is what good books do ... 

Hubby lived & worked in many of the countries mentioned as part of his engineering consultancy work so the images & time periods are something I can relate to personally. Many of the events described in A Thousand Splendid Suns happened in recent times & it is interesting to have this perspective.  

It is one of those books that at times you just have to put it down to process the words described .... 

What are you reading & what do you recommend? 

Dee 📚📖📙

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